HAPPINESS IS.... (did you know?)


Did you know?

  • Getting a little nostalgic can help you look at the bright side,

Reflecting fondly on the past can make you look forward to the future, according to a Personality and Psychology Bulletin study. Researchers discovered that past memories help maintain feelings of self - worth and promote optimism for what 's to come, Allowing yourself to feel nostalgic will also help you feel less lonely. Sounds like a good excuse to flip through those old photo albums!

  • Certain foods can make you happier

 The key to a quick boost of happiness Foods like nuts, chicken and milk all contain high levels of tryptophan, which can lead to the production of serotonin, a chemical that helps in. inducing calm and happiness.

  • Pets make you happier

When we pet our furry friends, oxytocin (also known as "the cuddle hormone" ) releases in our brains, making us instantly happier. The Chemicals also helps to reduce stress levels and lowers our blood pressure.

  • People are happier in the morning.

When the sun rises, so does your mood. One Cornell study found that the brightest periods of the day are Researchers analyzed the tweets of 2.4 million people across the globe and found peaks in positive messages at the start of the day. the tones of which grow more negative as the hours passed.

  • Exercise can make you a more exuberant person

Bad day? Running it out maybe your solution. Research has shown that just 20 minutes of physical activity can have subtle, positive mood benefits that last far beyond the extension of your workout, SELF Magazine reported. Feel - good chemicals, like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrin, all rise during exercise.

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