How to start a bisness without having money??... By sir Eric Scott..

What are ways to start a business without having money?
Part 1


According to Sir Eric Scott

How do I start a business from scratch with no money, no credit and no expert friends to help?
You stop thinking of all the roadblocks and start hunting for opportunity.

The original question was, "What are ways to start a business without having money?"

Now the question is, "How do I start a business from scratch with no money, no credit and no expert friends to help?"

As people suggest ideas, I suspect the question in your head will become, "Sure, I could do all that, but how do I start a business without <all those things either>".

Successful business owners often just start. They don't think about all the stuff that will get in their way. Entrepreneurs tend to be stubborn, impulsive, doers. They do first, then figure things out, and repeat often.


Clueless on My First Try

The first business I tried was a real estate company.

# I'd never started a business.

# Never bought property before.

# Had a real estate license that the ink hadn't even dried on yet (I took the classes because I wanted to learn more about property maybe to buy some, not sell some).

Hadn't ever talked to real estate agents before my real estate class.

I just got tired of my good paying job as a manager of a small software development group and quit. I had to do something and I figured I'd have a go at selling houses for a living.

# So I found a real estate sales trainer, spent a few hundred bucks on a week long class, and I did what they told me to.

# I made a list of everyone I knew (one of your greatest resources are the people you know).

# I wrote them all a letter and said, "I'm selling real estate now. If you know of anyone I should talk to, let me know."

# I called them all personally to chat.
Sure enough, I started selling houses and was in the top few percent in sales volume within a year.

SThen I started hiring people, first an assistant, then buyer's agents. I had no idea how to hire people or do payroll so sought out accountants, interviewed a bunch, asked a lot of questions, read books, took a class, and figured it out.


Less Clueless on My Second Try

I got tired of selling houses for a living after around 6 years, and spent the little money I made from selling a tiny, few person real estate company living on the beach for 6 months.

Then a friend of mine, a brilliant programmer, calls me up and says, "I'm bored at work." So I say, "No shit? I don't even have a job. How about you buy a one way ticket out here, we live on a sailboat for a week, and start a company together?" So he says, "Why not." So then together we say, "What kind of business should we start?" And he says, "How about web design?" And then I say, "I've never build a website. Sounds like fun."

That was 7 years ago when we started Dolphin Micro. To get that one off the ground:

I bought books on HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, and PHP for dummies, read them all, and built all the sample projects 8 hours a day for weeks on end.

# My new partner and I both made lists of everyone we knew, sent a letter, called them, and sure enough, found clients almost right away.

# We started with $1500 projects for friends and grew the company to 22 people and $1.7M in annual revenue doing projects projects as big as $800k for companies like AT&T, Hess Oil, Dupont, and Wired Magazine.

Neither company would have gotten off the ground had I made lists of all the things I didn't have. They started because I made lists of all the things I did have and figured out how to use those resources to build a business.


If you really want to start a company, look for opportunity and take action, lots of action. Starting a company is dangerous. Thing will constantly go wrong, it won't always be fun, and you might not succeed. You will, however, learn a lot about business, finance, people, and yourself along the way, and you might even make a little money too :-)


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