SLEEP SMARTER | smart life


Note that 

If you don’t sleep enough your brain won’t work as well. And there are other things to consider:

Sleeping makes you learn better.

Maybe you want to lose some extra pounds?

Five hours of sleep decreases testosterone.

Too little sleep makes you sick.

Not enough sleep makes you emotionally unstable.

No sleep make you less alert.

Not sleeping will degrade your performance.

Tips ::
  •  Keep the room as dark as possible

  •  Get the electronics out of the bedroom 

  • Apply magnesium before you go to bed 

  • Ideal temperature of the room 60 -68 F 

  • Open the window to get fresh air before sleep 

  • Don't eat before you got to bed   

  • Turn off all screens at least 90 Minutes before bedtime

  • Go to bed within 30 Minutes of the same time each night and wake up at the same time each day


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