STARTUP MISTAKES (part 1) and warnings


11 excuses that don’t hold sand in your hands:

  • There is no reliable online information” – Sometimes it is hard to get reliable information about what your costumer wants or seeks for in the internet, but only such a simple information like most popular products or service on E-bay could be valuable and reliable info. Products become popular and most anticipated for a reason, because people are looking for it. Good information can lead you straight to the gold vein, but don’t forget to adapt it from your point of view and make a little twist that will distinguish you from others .

  • “Social media is still not ready for it” – Early starters have proven to have extreme advantage when it comes to marketing and doing business with social media. The situation can change dramatically only in one day, so you will never know until you try.

  • “Social media is only a temporary thing” – To talk, to share ideas and simply socialize is natural human nature, so in one or another way it will always persist. Internet simply enables people to socialize with people in the other side of the globe faster, then it could ever be achieved with mail. Now we are at the point of no return, and if nothing drastically happens – we will always have social media.

  • “We must control what kind of message they are spreading” – Be brave, and don’t mind and don’t be “downed” by comments or messages until it wrote by a lot of people. Doesn’t matter what they write – only matter is that they spread word directly about you. Good or bad advertisement doesn’t matter – it is still advertisement (but – read next message).

  • “I don’t care and don’t have time to read people comments” – It is extension of last message. Yes, you shouldn’t mind that people are writing bad things about you, but the thing that you absolutely have to mind is are you making adjustments and adapting your business to your costumer. If you ignore your costumers feedback or simply doesn’t care, you are doomed and it is real business suicide.

  • “I don’t need social media to do my business” – If you think this way, you need simply to think about how easy it is to do business online these days and how many possible costumers you simply throw away. 60% of worlds population are connected throw internet, grouped in one place and simply waits until you rock their world with you new idea, product or service. You are the one who should adapt to your costumer, not the way around. So if you costumer sits all day in the Facebook, twitter and other social networks all day – adapt your business to that and make profit. It is simple as that.

  • “I tried, didn’t work, wont do that again”. Building your business throw social media and networking is long-term commitment and requires time for “word to spread”. Most usual time period to make online business from the start to the point that business generates good income is 1-2 years. So if you think that you have really good idea, create awesome product or service – be committed and pursue your goal.

  • “I’m diving to the unknown waters”– Becoming successful and making business is always challenging and will always require you to step from you comfort zone. That’s why starting a business is always scary, but with good information had homework, you improve your chances from flipping the coin to 85-99% of success. It’s always up to you how much time you invest and learn business specifics, before you dive in.

  • “Social media only works for companies, start-up business and young people” – That is untrue; it works for everybody-everywhere. Just try it and you will see it for yourself.

According to Sir  Bill Gates " if your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business soon"

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