145 CANDLESTICK PATTERNS || page 6 || (11) Tri-Star (Bullish); (12) Tri - Star (Bearish):

(11) Tri-Star (Bullish): 

When three consecutive Doji Stars appear in a downtrend market, these Doji  three stars are collectively called Tri-Star (Bullish), usually the middle of these Doji three is a little lower. This pattern is usually found on the bottom of the downtrend market and provides a strong bullish reversal signal.

(12) Tri - Star (Bearish): 

When three consecutive Doji Stars appear in an Uptrend market, these three Doji Stars are collectively called Tri - Star (Bearish), usually the middle of these Doji Three is a little higher. Such patterns are usually seen at the top of the Uptrend market and provide strong bearish reversal signals.

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