1 . Consistency is a behaviour . It is created through        hard work .

2 . Your attempts to achieve results will be faced              with multiple failures in the beginning .

3 . Becoming a better trader requires patchwork .          Every time you make a mistake learn from it .

4 . The markets will not merit those who cannot              exercise patience and discipline .

5 . If you learn to trust the process , the process will       reward you when you are deserving of it .


  • Respect the Rollercoaster of trading and knowledge. your ego and you will forever be one step ahead of those who cannot control the cycle of emotional doom .

  • It is impossible to be strong  unless  you have been weak . When you feel that you have tried your hardest , know one thing . . . if you stop trying you have admitted defeat like everyone else . Don't let a bad Moment make you open your eyes . Keep plodding on .

  • Everyone says they want to earn a million a year . Have you lost touch of life ? Do you know what 10k , 15k , 20k a month can do for your life . Stop chasing unrealistic perspectives and start being grateful !

  • A passion for trading will get you out of bed at 5am . Being passionate is the driver to your future . But results will only come from your decisions . Make the right ones . This is what will create momentum.

  • There is no such thing as a small account . Everyone trade as if you have a fricking million $₹€ account . Time to change perspectives ! ! !

  • One of your biggest struggles is going to come from not knowing who you are ! Start taking the time to develop a biography of your se1f są§¦ you develop on your weaknesses !

  • The goal should be to not work hard ! Farmers, landmine removers , lifeguards , porters all work hard and look ! What you should be doing is working smarter ! No need to reinvent the wheel. Find one approach and master it !

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