9 ways to be Constantly Improving || personal Development ||

Question - 

              "How to improve myself ?" 
Ways to be Constantly Improving

  • 9 Ways to be Constantly Improving 

1. Read Books

               It ' s like having the best advice from mentors throughout history on demand .

2. Listen to Podcasts 

               Fill in the gaps of your life with educational audio . I use a bluetooth shower speaker .

3 . Take a Course

              There is free informations online , but a quality course brings it all together and saves your time .
Always keep in your mind that - time > money

4 . Practice old Passions 

              Take a break or go on a sabbatical . Revisit the things you enjoy but dont normally do .

5 . Get Feedback & Critinue 

              Skip the compliment sandwiches . Seek feedback from trusted people and get straight to the meat .
You had a purpose before anyone had an opinion.

6 . Work towards a Goal 

              Commit to daily practice . Do one । small thing every day that will get you a little bit closer to your aims .

7 . Be open to Change

              To improve yourself , you must change , if you are not willing to change , its hard to move forward .

8 . Get around Community

              Your Mom was right all along you become like the people you spend the most time with .

9 . Write it down
             Write it down Ideas are worthless if you never take action . Get into the habit of physically writing down ideas that come to your mind . Otherwise they could be lost forever , Bill Gates is an accentric genius who always carries around coloured pens for brainstorming .


Personal Development

Watch your thoughts,
they become words.

Watch your words,
they become actions.

Watch your actions,
they become habits .

Watch your habits,
they become character.

Watch your character,
it become you destiny.

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